
School for Nomads children.

KinderenUntil now, the children from the villageof TulkuSonam Choedup Rinpochecan not attend school.The childrenare coming fromnomadicfamilies who are travellingduring the yeartogether with theirparents andthe yaksfrom place to place.

The onlyknowledge thatthe children will get isthat ofmaintainingthe yaksand the traditions ofthe nomadic existence. Furtherknowledge about theTibetan language, culture, history and lessonsabout values,according to the TibetanBuddhist tradition are completely lacking.

Togive the nomadchildren a goodfuture, in2012is started the constructionofa boarding school inthe birthplaceof TulkuSonam. Besides theclassroomsthere will beequippedspacesfor sleepingandcooking and forthe plumbingsection.

Inthe first design ofthe schoolwill be approximatelybetween 20and 40children can, both boys and girlsfrom 8 years.

Almostall building materials andspecialized knowledgemustcome from far andisexpensiveevenfor Tibetanstandards. Your donationis verymuch needed tocompletethe project.

TulkuSonam Choedup Rinpoche is very grateful to everyonewho can contributedinwhatever form.
