Tibetan Astrology
Tibetan Astrology is originated in India and different from the Chinese and our Western.
Tulku Sonam Chodup Rinpoche has been practicing Tibetan Astrology for several years.
Several aspects of the lecture are for example:
The Elements:
In the Tibetan horoscope are the five elements: wood, earth, fire, water and metal the base. It looks at how these elements are represented and how such weak elements can be strengthened.
The 12 Signs
It uses the 12 signs or constellations of the year. Every person belongs to one of these in one of these characters. The 12 characters are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The characters are related with specific qualities.
(See picture).
A horoscope can provide insight on many vital questions, the course of your life and moved on past, present and future. So it looks at the
life-force, health, the physical condition of the body, the force of the five elementsand the luck.